
The Community

My readers are awesome, and you should hang out!

In the days of yore, we readers waited in the streets for our favorite authors to drop another book. We didn't have acesss to publisher release schedules. At best, we got to see our authors at a convention or maybe go fan club news in the (snail) mail. Otherwise, we just had to hope and trust another book was coming.

Book clubs and message boards allowed us to collect in small numbers to compare and gush about our favorite books, but we were limited. In the little town I grew up in, extremely limited,

The Internet made things better.

Now that I'm an author, I want to provide my readers with as much community as possible. After all, it was listening to my friends argue and praise that first book that helped writing get its hooks into me. 

I love talking about books, my own and the ones I've read.

So talk to me, Seriously! (Writing is a lonely business.)

Here are some of the ways I have set up so far. If you think I need another, tell me so.

You're encouraged to follow/like my Facebook fan page. I post there often, though Facebook has stopped sharing everything I post with page followers.

So far, Facebook lets group members configure notification settings to show all posts. That's a huge improvement over the fan page. The group is currently private because it is an annex of the main readers group, getting posts about free downloads and behind the scenes stuff previously reserved for my newsletter subscribers.

Discord Server (LINK)

Facebook has started censoring a lot of things that go on in private groups through various means. I want to be real with you guys. Censoring myself because what's going on in my life isn't all unicorns and rainbows and you guys might respond with sad icons that Facebook holds against me just doesn't work for me.

One of you guys chatted with me at a convention about the possibility of a Discord server. It took me a while since I wasn't familiar with the service. (I spend most of my time writing not browsing chat rooms.)

Since my Discord server doesn't currently censor the tone of the content, collect personal data to make itself richer and doesn't redesign itself on a regular basis, I am really enjoying the new service. It's also allowed me to set up book specific chanels with "security" to keep spoilers out of the general conversation. Come by and chat.

Twitter (LINK)

Yeah, I have an account, but I have a hard time keeping up with it. If that's your platform and you want to send me messages, I'll get them - hopefully sooner rather than later thanks to email notification.

Instagram (LINK)

This one I am still trying to learn. It's a slow process since I'd rather be writing than learning a new social media. Same goes here as for Twitter. 

Bookbub (LINK)

This one isn't so much a chat together community as a great place to find new books and recommend the ones you love. Still, Bookbub sends out deals on discounted and free books to your email every day, so you may want to spend some time here.

Goodreads (LINK)

Goodreads is a great big book club. You can join genre specific clubs, read and discuss books, review what you've read, you name it. I do answer questions when I see them, but I've had problems with notifications not reaching me from this one. You're probably best just reachingout directly, but this is still a great reader community in general.

The Delirious Scribbles Readers Group (LINK)

Joining the DS Readers Group gets you periodic (usually monthly) email updates about what is going on, access to free stories, links to deals and giveaways I'm participating in, new books, reader opportunities, that sort of thing. I talk about what I'm reading, share recipies, and overall just talk about my life. Subscribing is the intraverted way to keep up and have the option to email me back about things.

I've included links to the previous email updates. No promises on how up-to-date the archive is at any given moment.

2020 Updates

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2019 Updates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.

2018 Updates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.

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